Feb 26, 2020
In this edition of the Who's He? Podcast....
The News
The drama controller for the BBC goes on the defensive and states that Doctor Who is not going anywhere and will not be taking a hiatus!
Omega's Stats Corner
The overnights for Ascension of the Cybermen are in and the official viewing figures for The Haunting of Villa Diodati are in which leads Phil and Paul down another conversational cul-de-sac!
Review - Ascension of the Cybermen
Phil and Paul turn their attentions to Ascension of the Cybermen, the penultimate episode of this series of Doctor Who. Or is it the Adventures of Brendan the Garda? We'll be damned if we know, in a story that raises yet more questions than answers, the lads are totally confused but that doesn't stop them from picking holes in the plot while also enjoying it as well! So tune in to listen to theirs and listener feedback.