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Mar 20, 2013

This week, Paul & Phil review the latest in the Destiny of The Doctor audio stories, Vengeance Of The Stones featuring the 3rd Doctor.  Does this story follow up on the brilliance of Shadow of Death or does it cause Phil and Paul to disagree for the first time in ages?  Listen to find out but be warned: Scottish...

Mar 15, 2013

It's time for an audio commentary!!  This month, the lads have chosen a short story for your delectation in the form of Black Orchid.  During the course of this story, Phil, Paul & Tony stop to marvel at the cricketing prowess of Peter Davison and also gaze in wonder at the seemingly never ending appetite of the...

Mar 14, 2013

After a longer than usual break between episodes, Phil & Paul return with their long overdue review of the Target novelisation Doctor Who and The Cave Monsters.  During the course of dissecting this book, they discuss the problem of poorly realised femaie characters, rushed endings and the dietary habits of 1970's...

Mar 14, 2013

This week Phil and Paul continue with their retrospective of series 3 with a look back at Gridlock.  What will they make of this story after all this time and do they think it's a rollicking good adventure or a big disappointment?  In making their minds up, they get into a bit of a disagreement over Martha Jones...

Mar 14, 2013

They're back!!  After disappearing from the airwaves while Phil became a Father, Phil & Paul return with a look at the lates of the Destiny of The Doctor audio stories Shadow of Death.  Would they think this was an improvement on the last Destiny of The Doctor story or would it be another disappointment in this 50th...