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Nov 28, 2017

In an episode that Phil and Paul have been dreading, they are forcibly sat down and made to watch World War Three in their continuing series 1 retrospective. With badly acted news reporters, Mickey's chip shop condiments and the ridiculous Slitheen, the pair of them try their damnedest to find some good in this story!

Nov 15, 2017

In this episode, Paul and Phil scrape the bottom of the Doctor Who barrel and decided to tackle the Target novelisation of Time Flight, written by Peter Grimwade. And do you think the book will be any better than the televised version? Do you think the book will address the racist caricatures that were present in the TV...

Nov 1, 2017

A wet and soggy Phil and Paul (recently released from prison) come up for air and review Prisoners of the Lake from Big Finish, the first in their Third Doctor Adventures series. Both of our intrepid reviewers find themselves transported back to Saturdays nights in the 1970's in a story that could only be written for...