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Aug 27, 2014

After months of anticipation the wait is finally over, Doctor Who is back!!  Yes this week Phil and Paul review Peter Capaldi's first episode Deep Breath by Steven Moffat. But was this worth the wait?  Well, Phil and Paul flip flop all over the place during their discussion over what appears to be a divisive story with...

Aug 17, 2014

In this special episode of the Who's He? Podcast, we take a look back at Matt Smith's time in the Tardis and discuss the impact he had on the show, how he could lift mediocre stories and Paul and Phil each reveal their favourite and least favourite Matt Smith performances.  However, it's not just their opinions being...

Aug 3, 2014

In this weeks episode Phil and Paul tackle The Spectre Of Lanyon Moor from Big Finish, released in 2000.  What do they make of this 6th Doctor story of ghostly moors, evil Baronets, archaeology, nasty tea ladies and of course the Brigadier!! But be warned, this review is full of spoilers so for those of you who haven't...