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Jan 31, 2017

Well, after the lads had finished recording, the news broke that Peter Capaldi announced that he was leaving the role of the Doctor. Despite being caught on the hop, this not entirely unexpected turn of events never the less shocked certain fans but also there was the earth shattering news that Sir John Hurt sadly...

Jan 18, 2017

In this edition of the Who's He? Podcast, it's back to 2005 where it all began again! Yes, this week Paul and Phil take a look at Christopher Eccleston's first appearance as the Doctor in Rose. So how does this story hold up after nearly 12 years? Just what was the impact back in 2005 and does it carry that same impact...

Jan 5, 2017

Hooray! After what felt like an eternity, there was new Doctor Who to watch in the form of this years (or should that be last year now?) Christmas special, The Return of Doctor Mysterio. So, what do Phil and Paul make of superhero themed special? Is it Christmassy enough? Is it enough? Is it Doctor...