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Nov 28, 2018

Running away from angry villagers wielding pitchforks and flaming torches, Phil and Paul bravely avoid the ducking stool to bring you their review of The Witchfinders, the latest episode of Doctor Who. This week Phil and Paul are in two minds over this historical romp as this was a particularly grim time in British...

Nov 22, 2018

Kerblam! Yes, I can't believe that's the title of this weeks episode of Doctor Who for Phil and Paul to take delivery of. But take delivery they do and in this satire of a well known online store and it's ethics, both of our reviewing duo feel a bit non plussed but kind of enjoyed it at the same time. Does that make a...

Nov 14, 2018

After last weeks divisive episode of Doctor Who, this week the lads take a look at Demons of the Punjab by Vinay Patel. In this non-Chibnall written story, has this got this series of Doctor Who back on track as far as Phil and Paul are concerned? And does this tale set during the partition of India in 1947 make Doctor...

Nov 7, 2018

Oh dear. In this weeks show a downcast Phil and Paul get puzzled by The Tsuranga Conundrum written by Chris Chibnall. After last weeks middling story, the lads were hoping things were going to pick up again but what did we get? A story that appears to have split opinion and has lead fans calling for Chibnall's head! But...