Nov 26, 2023
In this episode of the Who's He? Podcast....
Review - The Star Beast
It's finally here! Yes, Doctor Who is back with the first of the 60th Anniversary specials, The Star Beast. So sit back as Paul and Phil get to grips with the return of David Tennant and Catherine Tate and a shiny new TARDIS interior. Oh and...
Nov 23, 2023
In this episode of the Who's He? Podcast....
Happy 60th Anniversary Doctor Who
It's Doctor Who's 60th Anniversary and so to celebrate this momentous occasion, Phil takes a walk down memory lane and chats about his relationship with Doctor Who. How he found his Doctor, why he fell out of love with the show in the 1980's...
Nov 19, 2023
In this episode of the Who's He? Podcast....
Doctor Who - The Anniversary Specials | The Day of The Doctor
We finish our look back at Doctor Who anniversary specials of years gone by with the 50th anniversary special, The Day of The Doctor. Not only do Phil and Paul look back fondly at the 50th anniversary and the...
Nov 18, 2023
In this episode of the Who's He? Podcast....
Review - Destination: Skaro
Scott and Phil decided to sit down for ten minutes or so to talk about the Doctor Who Children in Need Special, Destination: Skaro and also take a look at Doctor Who: Unleashed where Russell T. Davies has most likely set fandom alight with his new...
Nov 12, 2023
In this episode of the Who's He? Podcast....
The News
Phil and Scott try to go through all the latest Doctor Who news in the run up to the 60th Anniversary with the launch of the Whoniverse on the BBC iPlayer, The Daleks in colour, confirmation of when the specials will air and much more!
Omega's Tittle Tattle...